Virtual File Cabinet LogoVirtualFile CabinetÖ

VFCÖ:   Bridging Islands of Information

The Challenge:Navigating Information Islands

Departmental enclaves and other inter-organizational workgroups are like isolated islands of information that too often don't effectively communicate with one another. These information barriers are as real as trying to communicate across miles of ocean. Before you set sail, know your priorities: You want to creatively share your information - in text, graphic, image, and video formats - with employees and clients alike, and have confidence that this information is being effectively managed and protected.

Using traditional document management systems is like navigating the ocean in a luxury liner equipped only with a short-wave radio. These systems require a substantial investment and impose proprietary interfaces on users. Now there is an alternative. Infodata Systems Inc. has cornered a new segment of the information technology market with an evolutionary new product that bridges across multiple document management systems and seamlessly brings these islands of information closer together.

The Solution:A Way to Manage Your Electronic Assets

Infodata proudly introduces Virtual File Cabinet, or, as we prefer, VFC - a cost-effective and specialized Web-based system for accessing, organizing, and sharing information. VFC's familiar Web browser interface provides a simple solution to the complex challenge of managing documents from different sources, and enables your company to communicate among departments and across to customers and clients, even if they are using different document management systems.

The Virtual Office:Share Globally, Organize Locally

VFC provides templates that allow users to smoothly embark on the information excursion. Using a hierarchy of "buildings," "offices," "file cabinets," etc., it's easy to set up your virtual office and assign filenames that make sense to you, instead of being restricted to a predetermined naming scheme. VFC enables you to share information globally, but customize locally.

The Advantages:Familiarity, Flexibility, Power

A familiar Web browser interface allows for quick startup

Store, maintain, and share virtually any file type
Search and retrieve information by content or by attributes
Open architecture using de facto industry standards
System based on individual specifications and a scaled platform to build on


Open architecture.

VFC allows you to choose a variety of "building blocks" to assemble a system that best meets your needs. You can select Microsoft SQL Server, Sybase, or Oracle as your database. Your operating system can be Windows 95, Windows NT 3.51, or Windows 3.11.

De facto industry standards.

VFC uses HTTP, HTML, SQL, ODBC, and JavaScript to provide a customized platform on which you can build.

Push-button graphical user interface.

VFC provides you with a familiar Web browser interface with specially designed push-buttons to give you the ability to organize your information.


With VFC, you have the capability to view virtual links between VFC containers, documents, authors and users.Security. Protect your files by defining whether they are public or private. You can assign privileges to individual users or groups of users. Files designated as private are accessible only to the owner and others specifically given access.


Protect your files by defining whether they are public or private. You can assign privileges to individual users or groups of users. Files designated as private are accessible only to the owner and others specifically given access.

System Requirements


Operating system: Windows 95, Windows NT 3.51, Windows 3.11

Web browser: Netscape Navigator 3.x


Operating system: Windows NT Server 3.51

Web server: Netscape Communications Server
Database: Microsoft SQL Server v6.5, Oracle 7.3, Sybase SQL Server System 11
Full-text Search Engine: Verity Topic

About Infodata

Infodata Systems Inc., headquartered in Fairfax, Virginia, develops products and designs and delivers solutions that enable the enterprise to access their islands of information. Using Infodata's products and services, Fortune 1000 companies and government agencies have succeeded in increasing productivity, reducing expenses, and managing risk.

For More Information:

For additional product information, please visit our website or contact Infodata:

telephone: 800-336-4939

fax: 703-934-7155

Copyright (c) 1997 Infodata Systems Inc. All rights reserved. Infodata, VFC and Virtual File Cabinet are registered trademarks of Infodata Systems Inc.All other marks, names, or products mentioned herein are the property of their respective owners. Specifications subject to change without notice.